
Homeobotanical Therapy



Homeobotanical Therapy – A new way to heal. Prescribing with power and precision.


Homeobotanicals are a powerful, synergistic blend of organic herbs in liquid form, potentised homoeopathically and selectively chosen to target different organs and systems of the body. Detoxification is often the first step in the therapeutic process (especially for chronic conditions). When the toxins have been removed, a nutritional blend of herbs is individually selected to encourage the body to regain homoeostasis (balance).


Acute conditions respond very quickly to these remedies, supporting the immune system and accelerating the healing process. Chronic conditions respond at a more measured pace, according to the duration and severity of the disease or imbalance. In many instances, once the toxic load has been taken off the organs, the body will heal itself and no further intervention is required. Because this is a core therapy it can be used in conjunction with kinesiology to enhance vitality and accelerate recovery. The low potency adopted produces a gentle, sustained response resulting in remarkably few problems even in sensitive people.


Homeobotanical remedies have four distinct actions within the body:

PHYSICAL action which includes organ drainage or the stimulation of release of toxins from specific areas of the body.

NUTRITIONAL component which assists in the assimilation of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micronutrients in ones diet as well as providing a rich combination supplied by the herbs themselves.

SYNERGISTIC action which supports and reinforces whatever other healing techniques are being employed as Hb’s maintain balance within the body.

DYNAMIC action arising from homeopathic potentisation, this enables the remedies to directly stimulate healing within the body.


Homeobotanical remedies cover a comprehensive range of conditions. Please get in touch via email ( to find out more about homeobotanical therapy or to see if this is a form of treatment that can help your symptoms. For further details, please visit


Practitioner  :   Justyna Voyer

Fee              :   £50 (Consultation and prescriptive homeobotanical blend)





Private Psychiatry Services

Psychiatry is a medical field concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental health conditions. Psychiatrists are medically trained doctors who specialise in psychiatry. Unlike other mental health professionals, such as psychologists and counsellors, psychiatrists must be medically qualified doctors who have chosen to specialise in psychiatry. This means they can prescribe medication as well as recommend other forms of treatment.

Most psychiatrists work as part of community mental health teams (CMHTs), in outpatient clinics or hospital wards. Some carry out sessions in GP surgeries.


Mental health problems diagnosed and treated by a psychiatrist include:

  • Anxiety and Depression: GPs treat milder cases, whilst psychiatrists treat moderate to severe patients and conditions that are resistant to treatment.
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Bipolar disorder (previously known as manic-depressive illness)
  • Schizophrenia and other psychoses
  • Personality Disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Sleep disorders


The following are specialties within psychiatry:

  • General adult psychiatry
  • Child and Adolescent psychiatry
  • Forensic psychiatry
  • Learning disabilities
  • Liaison psychiatry


During your first appointment, your psychiatrist will carry out an initial assessment. They’ll look at both your mental and physical health, and may ask:

• about the problem that brought you to see them

• general questions about your life and thoughts

• to carry out a simple physical examination, such as checking your blood pressure – for example, before prescribing certain medications

• for information from other sources, such as your GP, relatives and social workers


After assessing your condition, the psychiatrist may prescribe medication or recommend the most suitable form of treatment for your symptoms.




We are registered with most major health insurance providers. Please contact your provider before commencing treatment to find out if you need a GP referral.


Practitioner  :   Professor Hana Soliman






Counselling is a talking therapy that aims to improve an individual’s well-being and mental health. Counselling allows people to explore their thoughts and feelings in a safe, confidential environment with a trained professional.


Common subjects that can be addressed are:

  • Anxiety / Stress
  • Depression
  • Addiction
  • Bereavement
  • Illness / Chronic Pain
  • Trauma
  • Relationships








Counselling can help you discover new insight and understanding about yourself as well as work out new ways of approaching situations. A counsellor is not there to tell you what to do but to work alongside you in building a trusting relationship and encourage you through your difficulties.


Counselling varies for each individual and, dependant on your problems, the therapy may be for a number of weeks, months or years. Whether short-term or long-term therapy, you will meet your counsellor regularly, usually once a week, and sessions are 50 minutes.



Practitioners  :   Marinette Keenan

   Charlie Mansfield


Fee                 :    £45-50 per session


To make a booking for COUNSELLING, please contact the counsellors above directly.




Kinesiology is a science based, non invasive, holistic modality that uses muscle testing to find imbalances and blockages in the body. Such blockages can happen on a physical, chemical, emotional or energetic level. Identifying these imbalances can help in uncovering the root causes of health issues.


Kinesiology integrates conventional and alternative healing techniques to prevent and treat disease.


Please get in touch via email ( to find out more about kinesiology or to see if this is a form of treatment that can help your symptoms. For further details, please visit


Practitioner  :   Justyna Voyer


Fee  :

£60 (Initial session, 90 mins)

£50 (Follow up session, 60 mins)


Book an Appointment





Hypnosis is a natural state of deep physical relaxation, drug free, pain free and can be used alongside conventional medicine. Hypnosis tunes into the subconscious mind where thoughts, feelings and behaviour patterns have been learnt throughout our lives. Hypnosis can be likened to day dreaming. Everyone enters “Hypnosis” at least twice a day naturally. You will be in control at all times. It can be used with a blend of strategies to have a positive and lasting effect.


Hypnotherapy can help with:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Self-esteem / confidence
  • Stop smoking
  • Addictions: Drug, alcohol
  • Phobias: Exams, spiders, public speaking, needles etc.
  • Weight control
  • Gastric band
  • Pain management


Hypnotherapy accesses the hidden reason within the subconscious mind behind a particular problem. Very often these are very simple reasons that the subconscious mind has grown out of all proportion, creating blocks to growth and development. Hypnotherapy both identifies the reason behind the block and removes the fear associated with it. This enables the subject to continue and develop a happy and more satisfying life.


Our accredited and qualified hypnotherapists are registered with the National Hypnotherapy Society and you will find them on the Hypnotherapy Directory. For further details, please give our practitioners a call for an initial telephone consultation to answer any queries you may have before booking an appointment.


Practitioners  :

Debra Osborne (07891 120128)

Gaylia Mitchell (07985 900867)


Fees  :

£45   Sessions up to 60 mins

£150 Smoking Package (2 sessions)

£275 Weight Loss (4 sessions)

£375 Gastric Band (5 sessions)


To book an appointment, please call the therapists above or visit


Sport Psychology




Sport and exercise psychology is the application of psychological techniques and skills to performance settings including sport, health and exercise, school, and work. It often takes the form of talking therapy but there are often aspects of doing things differently in order to affect change in behaviour, well-being, and performance.


Common subjects that are addressed:


  •  Anxiety
  • Confidence
  • Motivation
  • Performance related issue (at sport, school, or work)
  • Enhancing current performance
  •  Mental health and well-being
  • Eating related issues
  • Team and culture related work
  • Personality testing
Similar to counselling sport and exercise psychology is designed to help you find a way forward, by providing new insight and understanding. Sport and exercise psychologists will build good relationships and help you progress through whatever challenges you have. Sport and exercise psychology will vary depending on the problems that you have but will usually work with anyone from the age of 9 onwards. It may take a number of weeks or months but may even take the form of a single session. Sessions will normally last around 50 minutes.


Practitioner  :   Matthew Cunliffe



Telephone:       07983 714203




Sports and Deep Tissue Massage



Massage assists recovery between training session, monitors stress which may be building in the body, warning against potential injury, and helps the body recuperate after injury.  Many use sports and deep tissue massage to help them recover from a specific injury or to promote general wellbeing.


Regular maintenance treatment will ensure any potential injury is dealt with before an acute injury occurs.


A massage session also encourages tension release and relaxation – with the treatment aimed to affect the skin, muscles, nerves, lymphatic system and blood vessels to help eliminate waste products created by the body’s metabolism.




DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE is provided by our complementary therapist, Wendy Redmond. Deep tissue massage is suitable for:

  1. relieving chronic muscle tension (e.g. in the neck, shoulder, lower back)
  2. encouraging relaxation which in turn helps reduce anxiety and control stress levels


Fee: £52 (60mins)

To book an appointment for DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE, please call Wendy on: 07496 473675




SPORTS MASSAGE at the therapy centre is provided by our osteopaths Jasmine ChapmanStephen Ward-Lohan or Adam Vautier. The osteopath will be able to go through a thorough assessment and diagnose your injury before providing the massage therapy to the area required. Sports massage is suitable for:

  1. diagnosing new sports related injuries
  2. management of ongoing sports injuries
  3. improving performance in elite sports


Fee: £70 (60 mins – Payment is required at the time of booking)

To book an appointment for SPORTS MASSAGE, please call 01322 352585

Western Acupuncture



This is a form of modern acupuncture that is based on western study of the human anatomy and physiology used by health care professionals such as specially trained GPs, osteopaths and physiotherapists. This form of treatment is particularly effective for groups of patients with conditions such as chronic muscle tension, low back or neck pain, headaches and migraines. Western acupuncture is also particularly effective in treating repetitive strain injuries such as tennis and golfer’s elbow.


Practitioner   :       Billy ChooiStephen Ward-Lohan


Fee                :        £65 (Initial Consultation), £50 (Follow-up Consultation)


Book an Appointment






Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy that treats various musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. Osteopathy helps patients get out of pain. Conditions that we treat include:


  • Low Back Pain
  • Sciatica / Disc bulge or prolapse
  • Cervicogenic headache
  • Neuralgia / Nerve impingement
  • Hip, knee and foot pain
  • Neck and shoulder complaints
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Shoulder, elbow and hand pain
  • Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Pregnancy related pain
  • Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD)
  • Arthritic and rheumatic pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Stiffness and tension

Our therapy centre aims to provide the local community with a professional yet friendly and comfortable clinical environment to have their symptoms examined, diagnosed and treated. We treat a wide range of age groups including children, adults and the elderly.


Practitioners  : Jasmine ChapmanBilly Chooi, Adam VautierStephen Ward-Lohan


All our osteopaths are registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and are members of the Institute of Osteopathy.

  • GOsC registration number (Adam): 11361
  • GOsC registration number (Billy): 7476
  • GOsC registration number (Jasmine): 9174
  • GOsC registration number (Stephen): 10719


Fee  :  £65 (First Consultation)

   £50 (Follow-up Consultation)

:  We accept all credit/debit card payments.

:  We are also registered with all major medical insurance companies including AXA, BUPA and CIGNA.


For further details or TO BOOK ONLINE, please visit